Tournament Results for December 7, 2024

This Hourse believes that Google should be broken up.

Download the tournament resolution packet here: Packet.

The CDA would like to thank Farmington High School and King School for hosting!

Two-hundred eighty-two debaters and 88 judges from 27 schools competed in our December tournament. This is our first time using two sites and our largest turnout this year.

Congratulations to:

  • Joel Barlow, winner of the varsity final round at Farmington on Government over Bethel.
  • Stamford, who closed out the varsity final round at King, where the Government side also won.

The trophy winners and undefeated teams can be found here: Trophy Winners.

You can view or download the various result files from each location by selecting from the table below.

Result File
Varsity Box Scores
Farmington Varsity Box Scores
King Varsity Box Scores
Varsity Teams
Farmington Varsity Teams
King Varsity Teams
Varsity Speakers
Farmington Varsity Speakers
King Varsity Speakers
Novice Box Scores
Farmington Novice Box Scores
King Novice Box Scores
Novice Teams
Farmington Novice Teams
King Novice Teams
Novice Speakers
Farmington Novice Speakers
King Novice Speakers

    The abbreviations in the result files are:
  • Win Number of wins
  • Pts Total points
  • Rk Total ranks
  • OpW Opposition wins
  • OPt Opposition points
  • ORk Opposition ranks
  • Rand Random number--used as a tie breaker when all else fails